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Vero y Deivis Mindfoodness_edited.jpg

Our Story

Deivis and I met in Miami, Florida where the magic of love sparked between us. A year into our relationship, he faced some health challenges that made us take the decision of embarking into conscious lifestyle journey. Deivis had a chronic pain in his stomach with some bleeding which was very uncomfortable.
Embracing natural remedies, we delved into the world of herbal teas, experiencing immediate and tangible benefits. After looking into local supermarkets, we realized there was a need for herbal teas truly pure without natural flavors and sugars on it!  That's when we tried blending at home different parts of plants and decided to make  our natural herbal teas available to the community to help more people reach their wellness goals with the benefits of herbs.
Our commitment extended beyond crafting teas; it involved a conscientious approach to sourcing. Recognizing the significance of loose-leaf tea, caffeine-free compositions, and the avoidance of synthetic additives, we curated our unique herbal tea blends. Mindfoodness Herbal Tea emerged as a family-owned enterprise dedicated to formulating blends that not only tantalize the taste buds but also offer an array of health benefits.

We take pride in our sourcing practices, relying solely on organic and sustainable farms. This ensures the freshness of the flower petals, roots, and herbs infused into our blends. As advocates for holistic well-being, we go beyond merely providing teas – we offer guidance to our clients on how to maximize the benefits of their personalized blends. Whether it's detoxing, relaxation, energy, or digestion, our formulations are tailored to cater to diverse needs.


But our commitment doesn't stop there. Mindful of our environmental impact, we've chosen an eco-friendly path. Our teas come packaged in compostable bags adorned with labels made from sugar cane. It's a small step, but one that aligns with our ethos of fostering a harmonious relationship with nature.


In every cup of Mindfoodness Herbal Tea, we aspire to create a connection – a harmony that resonates with your mind, body, and spirit. We extend our gratitude to you for being part of our journey and supporting our endeavor.

Thank you for your support!
With love,

Deivis & Vero :)

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